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Altitudinal variation in oxidative status between breeding and non-breeding seasons in a Neotropical bird. 

Poblete, Y., Contreras, C., Fernández, C., Ávila, M., & Sabat, P. (2025). Altitudinal variation in oxidative status between breeding and non-breeding seasons in a Neotropical bird. Journal of Ornithology, 1-10.

First Isolation, Molecular Identification, and Phylogenetic Characterization of A3B5 Very Virulent Infectious Bursal Disease Virus in Pullets in Chile. 

Cádiz, L., Guzmán, M., Rivera, P., Navarrete, F., Torres, P., & Hidalgo, H. (2025). First Isolation, Molecular Identification, and Phylogenetic Characterization of A3B5 Very Virulent Infectious Bursal Disease Virus in Pullets in Chile. Microbiology Research16(2), 31.

Identification and characterization of a novel Pavlovskyella (Acari: Argasidae) from Chile, parasite of the culpeo fox (Lycalopex culpaeus)

Muñoz-Leal, S., Kneubehl, A. R., Ardiles, K., Parragué-Migone, C., Troncoso-Toro, I., Oyarzún-Ruiz, P., & Lopez, J. E. (2025). Identification and characterization of a novel Pavlovskyella (Acari: Argasidae) from Chile, parasite of the culpeo fox (Lycalopex culpaeus). Journal of Medical Entomology62(1), 78-88.


Cranial osteomyelitis associated with Pasteurella canis in broiler chickens. 

Cádiz, L., Navarrete, F., Torres, P., & Hidalgo, H. (2024). Cranial osteomyelitis associated with Pasteurella canis in broiler chickens. Austral Journal of Veterinary Sciences, e560204-e560204.

Molecular characterization of Fasciola hepatica obtained from cattle and horse in Central Chile.

Cabrera, G., Cabezas, C., Estay-Olea, D., Stoore, C., Baquedano, M. S., Paredes, R., & Hidalgo, C. (2024). Molecular characterization of Fasciola hepatica obtained from cattle and horse in Central Chile. Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports56, 101130.

Genomic analysis of Salmonella isolated from surface water and animal sources in Chile reveals new T6SS effector protein candidates

Amaya, F. A., Blondel, C. J., Reyes-Méndez, F., Rivera, D., Moreno-Switt, A., Toro, M., … & Pezoa, D. (2024). Genomic analysis of Salmonella isolated from surface water and animal sources in Chile reveals new T6SS effector protein candidates. Frontiers in Microbiology15, 1496223.

Exposure Practices to Animal-Origin Influenza A Virus at the Animal-Human Interface in Poultry and Swine Backyard Farms

Baumberger, C., Anríquez, G., Galdames, P., Palma, T., Gonzalez, M. A., Orozco, K., Oyarzun, C., Marambio, V., Ruiz, S., Di Pillo, F… & Hamilton‐West, C. (2024) Zoonoses Public Hlth. 

Haemosporidian Infection Is Associated with the Oxidative Status in a Neotropical Bird.

Poblete, Y., Contreras, C., Ávila, M., Carmona, M. P., Fernández, C., Flores, C. R., & Sabat, P. (2024). Birds5(3), 604-615.

Perceptions of health and ecosystem risks from free-roaming domestic animals in Mediterranean wetlands: One health perspective

Poblete Y, Bidegain I, Pillo FD, Fresno M,
Salazar C, Palma T, and Jiménez R (2024). Int. J. One Health, 10(2): 183–195.

Inventario de aves en dos humedales urbanos de Temuco (Chile): una base para el monitoreo de especies.

Tardone, R. A., Pincheira-Ulbrich, J. M., & Alarcón, X. X. (2024). Neotropica24, e20231585.

Characterization and Abundance of Plasmid-Dependent Alphatectivirus Bacteriophages

Parra, B., Lutz, V.T., Brøndsted, L. et al. (2024) Microb Ecol 87, 85  

Isolation and characterization of novel plasmid-dependent phages infecting bacteria carrying diverse conjugative plasmids.

Parra B, Cockx B, Lutz VT, Brøndsted L, Smets BF, DechesneA. (2024).  MicrobiolSpectr12:e0253723.  

First Molecular Detection and Characterization of Fowl Aviadenovirus Serotype 11 from Broiler Chickens in Chile.

Cádiz, L., Guzmán, M., Navarrete, F., Torres, P., & Hidalgo, H. (2024). Microbiology Research15(2), 626-633. 

Risk-taking behavior relates to Leucocytozoon spp. infection in a sub-Antarctic rainforest bird.

Poblete, Y., Cuevas, É., Botero-Delgadillo, E., Espíndola-Hernández, P., Quirici, V., & Vásquez, R. A. (2024).  acta ethologica, 1-11. 

Programa de Vigilancia Zoonótica y Control Poblacional Canino. 

Suárez Villota, E., Zavala, J., & Parra, B. (2024). Boletín de vigilancia zoonótica: Endoparásitos helmintos de caninos de la Región del Biobío 

Case report: Abdominal mesothelioma in Atelerix albiventris.

Troncoso, I., Brown, J., Isla, C., Lajara, J. M., Ebner, M., & Fehrmann-Cartes, K. (2024).  Frontiers in Veterinary Science11, 1341815. 

Complicaciones postquirúrgicas en pacientes caninos con ruptura de ligamento cruzado craneal.

Fischer Wiethuchter, C., Troncoso Toro, I., Morales Orellana, J., & Valenzuela Oliva, S. (2024).  Revista de Investigaciones Veterinarias del Perú35(2). 


Transfer of T6SS from Gallinarum to Typhimurium Lacking T6SS Complements its Colonization Defect in Mice.

Pezoa, D., Blondel, C. J., Amaya, F. A., & Santiviago, C. A. (2023).  Polish Journal of Microbiology72(2), 215-219. 

Identification and distribution of new candidate T6SS effectors encoded in Salmonella Pathogenicity Island 6.

Blondel, C. J., Amaya, F. A., Bustamante, P., Santiviago, C. A., & Pezoa, D. (2023).  Frontiers in Microbiology14, 1252344. 

Unveiling antimicrobial resistance in Chilean fertilized soils: a One Health perspective on environmental AMR surveillance.

Fresno, M., Pavez, L., Poblete, Y., Cortez, A., & Del Pozo, T. (2023).  Frontiers in Microbiology14, 1239761. 

Inocuidad alimentaria en la producción caprina de la agricultura familiar campesina: un análisis integral.

Di Pillo, F., Cañón, H., Olguín, L., Poblete, Y., & Fresno, M. (2023).  Revista MVZ Córdoba28

Asociación entre conocimientos y prácticas sobre triquinelosis en comunidades mapuches en Chile. 

Grant, T., Fresno, M., Fernández, I., Martínez, P., Poblete, Y., & Di Pillo, F. (2023). Revista MVZ Córdoba28

Dimensiones de valor pluralistas de los servicios ecosistémicos como una oportunidad hacia la transdisciplina. Pensamiento y Acción Interdisciplinaria, 9(1),

Cerda, C. L., Ocampo-Melgar, A., & Bidegain, I. (2023).  95-111. 

Social preferences for vertebrates, invertebrates and plants: a multistakeholder approach for conservation management.

Bidegain, I., Cerda, C., Silva-Rodríguez, E. A., López-Santiago, C., Briceño, C., Promis, Á., … & Tironi, A. (2023).  Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 1-16. 

Geographic variation in the altitudinal migration patterns, body size, oxidative status and exploratory behavior in a neotropical bird.

Poblete, Y., Contreras, C., Fernández, C., Flores, C. R., Vega, P., Ávila, M., & Sabat, P. (2023).  Ecology and Evolution13(3), e9941. 

Percepción de riesgos ecológicos y de salud causados por la circulación libre de animales domésticos en el humedal de batuco, Chile. 

Poblete, Y., Bidegain, I., Di Pillo, F., Fresno, M., Jiménez, R., Palma, T., & Salazar, C. (2023). Revista MVZ Córdoba28.

Intra-urban variation in body condition, body size and oxidative status of Rufous-collared sparrow relate to urban green space attributes in a Latin American metropolis.

Fernández, C., Villaseñor, N. R., Contreras, C., Ávila, M., Sabat, P., & Poblete, Y. (2023).  Urban Ecosystems26(2), 575-586.

The Expression of Amino Acid and Fatty Acid Receptors Show an Age-Dependent Pattern Involving Oral Cavity, Jejunum and Lower Gut Sensing in Broiler Chickens.

Cordero, P., Díaz-Avilés, F., Torres, P., Guzmán, M., Niknafs, S., Roura, E., & Guzmán-Pino, S. A. (2023).  Animals13(19), 3120.

Detection of antimicrobial residues in animal manure by a microbiological screening methodology: A non-invasive tool in animal production.

Astudillo, D., Pokrant, E., Bravo, C., Ríos, A., Navarrete, M. J., Maddaleno, A., … & Cornejo, J. (2023).  Food Control148, 109649.

Vertebral osteomyelitis associated with Enterococcus faecalis in Broiler Breeders in Chile.

Cádiz, L., Guzmán, M., Navarrete, F., Torres, P., & Hidalgo, H. (2023).  Austral journal of veterinary sciences55(3), 203-207.

Seroprevalence of Chlamydophila felis in cats using the ImmuComb® technique.

Troncoso, I., Fischer, C., Inzunza, P., González, M. F., Valenzuela, A., Arrué, R., … & Muñoz, P. (2023). 

Brucelosis en caninos vagabundos de un sector de la ciudad de Talca, Chile. 

Weinborn, R., Zanelli, M., Liendo, C., Celis, F., Olmedo, S., Sánchez, F., … & Troncoso, I. (2023).  34(4). Revista de Investigaciones Veterinarias del Perú,

First molecular detection of Equine Herpesvirus type 3 (EHV‐3) in Chile.

Troncoso, I., Calvanese, R., Saravia, F., Muñoz‐Leal, S., Zegpi, N. A., & Ortega, R. (2023).  Veterinary Medicine and Science9(2), 717-720.

Seroprevalencia de Chlamydophila felis en gatos mediante la técnica Immucomb (r).

Troncoso, I., Fischer, C., Inzunza, P., González, M. F., Valenzuela, A., Arrué, R., … & Muñoz, P. (2023).  Revista de Investigaciones Veterinarias del Perú34(1).

Hematological And Serum Chemistry Reference Values Of Captive Black-Chested Buzzard Eagle (Geranoetus Melanoleucus).

Doussang, D., Palma, C., Grandon, A., Moreno, L., Zambrano, B., Pavez, E., … & Gonzalez-Acuña, D. (2023).  Ornitologia Neotropical34(1), 24-28.

Nivel de conocimiento de zoonosis de animales de compañía en estudiantes de medicina veterinaria.

Troncoso Toro, I., Núñez Bustamante, A., Pizarro Diaz, M., Rodríguez Núñez, B., Marín Marín, L., & Muñoz Garcés, P. (2023).  Revista de Medicina Veterinaria1(46), 10.